Taxi Training
As per the opening page, we initially set up as taxi training provider known as the Independent Taxi Training Company (ITTCo) Ltd, allowing candidates to take the course and obtain the relevant qualifications required by local councils before they could then choose who they wanted to work for. We still offer this course and facility for testing. Further information on the course and qualification is below.
Course Overview
The SQA Level 2 Certificate in Introduction to the Role of the Professional Taxi and Private Hire Driver is designed to develop the knowledge of prospective or existing drivers. The course is carried out over 3 days (typically Monday-Wednesday) with a specifically designed practical unit which raises awareness of the differing types of disabilities your passengers may present. We focus on ensuring that your service (once qualified) is accessible to all.
Testing Overview
The course is made up of 9 units which covers all you'll need to know from Health & Safety, disability awareness, safely transporting passengers (including schoolchildren) through to fare administration. Once each unit has been taught, candidates will sit mock exams to establish whether additional training needs are required.
On the Wednesday afternoon of the course, candidates will sit exams for units 1-4, with units 5-9 will being sat on the Thursday.
Due to our unique delivery method and expertise, we anticipate that minimal candidates will be required to resit any exams, but where necessary, these can be booked in around candidates busy lifestyles. Typically, we keep the Friday blank for any resits.
Other Services
We now provide facilities for candidates to take exams in our fully authorised and approved test centre under strict guidlelines and monitoring - providing candidates with the flexibility of carrying out tests in one of only two approved centres in Cardiff. We provide free parking on site, lockers and fully heated or air conditioned facilities. Candidates can also purchase drinks and snacks on site and we're only a short walk from local supermarkets (Lidl and Waitrose).
Further Information
To elaborate on some of the services we offer, over and above the Taxi Training alluded to above, please find an overview and further detail below:
CSCS Card - There are various types of CSCS card that candidates can examine for. From the Green Card (Labourer) and Blue Card (Skilled Worker) through to White Card (Accademically Qualified Person). We offer the facilites for candidates to sit these exams in a well run testing centre.
StreetWorks - stuff about Streetworks here.....
Course Exams - As well as the CSCS card, we also offer the ability for candidates to sit exams that are run by Pearson Vue. Pearson have established themselves as a front-runner amongst awarding bodies and have established a base in Cardiff with ITTCo for candidates to take their exams.
ITTCo operates an authorised Pearson Vue test centre allowing candidates to take exams on a daily basis. Being one of only a handful of test centres in South Wales, we provide an quality and professional setting for your Pearson Vue test. Exams are booked via the Pearson Vue website, although the awarding body may be an alternative e.g. Microsoft or CITB.
We are proud to be an approved provider of the Health & Safety test for the CITB, allowing candidates to maintain their obligations and continue working in the construction industry, ensuring they have the knowledge to meet their responsibilities to keeping themselves and their colleagues safe. We provide tests for all types of construction worker, from Labourer through to supervisory and beyond to professionally qualified.
Our Team
ITTCo is run by Steven Russell who has been in the Taxi trade for many years, hence our expertise being in the offering of Taxi & Private hire training, inclusive of local knowledge (route) training. Steve has established and grown the centre, moving locations in 2020 to enable diversitifaction and is supported by Dave & Chris, as well as a number of other "back office" team members. A little bit about the front of house team below.

Steven Russell
Managing DirectorWith almost 20 years in the trade, I am passionate about the training and development of drivers. Being a taxi driver is a fantastic career opportunity and getting that message out there is key for us at ITTCo.

David Rogers
TrainerOver the last 7 years, I have taken up a role as a tutor/trainer and offered training in Taxi and Private Hire industry, working with the SQA.

Chris Jones
TrainerEngaging and developing delegates through our programme is one of my biggest motivators. My role is to ensure that our delegates are equipped to successfully complete the qualification.